The Ultimate Guide to Care for Sparkly Heels: Achieving Maximum Shimmer!

There's no denying it – sparkly heels are the ultimate game-changer when it comes to looking glamorous and sophisticated. However, taking care of sparkly heels can be quite an ordeal, especially when it comes to keeping the sparkle intact.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll share with you some of the best tips and tricks to help you care for your glittery beauties and make them last longer. So, without further ado, let’s get started:

Before Wearing

Before debuting your sparkly shoes, it's important to prep them for peak performance. First, apply a protective coat of acrylic spray on the shoes to give the glitter particles something to adhere to. For smaller glitter particles, opt for a mod podge glaze to keep the glitter in place. As for larger glitter particles, use hot glue using a light hand and make sure the glue is entirely dried before wearing the shoes.

During Wear

Wearing your sparkly heels is the most fun part, but it’s also important to give them the care they deserve during use. Avoid walking on rough and uneven surfaces as this can cause the glitter particles to shed or fall off, leaving unsightly patches on the shoes. It's also best to avoid overuse, as the shoes can develop cracks with time or can suffer from damage due to frequent use.

Removing Stains and Dirt

When dealing with stains on sparkly shoes, use a soft, damp cloth to get rid of scuffs and marks. It's important never to use harsh substances like alcohol, as they can cause the glitter particles to dull and turn grey. Alternatively, making a simple solution of warm water and a mild cleaner can be applied with care to clean sparkly shoes with a brush without compromising their sparkles. Additionally, store shoes in dust bags or acid-free tissue paper and keep them in a dry to environment help to shelter them from collecting dirt and avoid sun exposure.


To clean our sparkly shoes thoroughly, don’t submerge them in water. Instead, create a solution of lukewarm soapy water using a gentle soap that's suitable for handwashing clothes. Dip a soft cloth in the soap and water mixture, and make gentle sweeping movements on the surface of the shoe, rinsing frequently. Allow the shoe to air out to ensure all moisture has complect with its material before using it again. Remember, it's vital to be extra gentle, not to dislodge any glitter during cleaning.


Polishing sparkly heels probably sounds like over some tedious chore you don’t want to indulge; fortunately, it isn't half as complicated as it sounds. Begin by polishing the shoes with glitter enhancer, always go in short and gentle brushstrokes on the surface. But never put an excess of the enhancer, or they can develop an appearance of grime instead of glitter. Let the drill charge last extend the overall satisfaction from shine during wear.


Storing sparkly shoes could be the most crucial aspect of keeping the shine and sparkle from fading. Dusty damp environment, put fast pace career to a dream pace nightmare, so store in a climate-controlled space will help save shoe material and wear. Additionally, try placing them on a shoe rack or another preferred surface instead of letting them sit on the floor.Not that taking care of these beauties requires space or going the extra mile, but it gives them the care they need for durability and maximum shine.

In summary, caring for sparkly heels is not all that daunting when you follow our simple upkeep steps. Those rules used excessively during cleaning lead unfavorable results; so be gentle, avoid harsh ways, and handle them carefully to make your small investment into on long-term standing stride.



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